And I thought some people may enjoy it, including myself. This was an idea that came to me out of nowhere I can recall, for no apparent reason, that was fairly trivial to do (comparative to creating brand new mods, though cloning the stuff was more of a pain than I'd like to admit). It already exists, why offer it in another form? If you have some experience with my Sorcerer mod, you may be wondering why I would make a clone of the Sorcerer Minion system specifically for Vampires.

Will switch off Guest Role when activated to ensure restricted behavior. If no roles are active, they will stand around and do nothing. Restricted Autonomy: Restricts the sim to ONLY doing the behaviors included in any active roles.This command is for if you want to only make them a thrall, without initiating another command first. Note that other commands will also do this. Be Thrall: Ties the sim to you as a thrall with a relationship bit and puts them in the role.

Will tend a nearby bar if one exists on the lot.

Restricted Autonomy restricts the sim to ONLY doing the behaviors included in any active roles. Guest is incompatible with the Restricted Autonomy setting for this reason (and vice-versa-they will turn each other off). The exception to this is Guest, which simply enables the Thrall, if an NPC, to act like an invited Guest in your home. Most roles are a particular high priority (ex: Maid has a high priority to clean). It's up to you and you can change it on a given sim at any time.
the mod works to pour blood without that package with no problems.Roles can be activated at the same time, allowing you to combine them for creative use.
The option to order drink is separated for compatibility, I'm not sure if it will work with other mods like "custom drink interactions". I didn't make buffs to go with this, because I feel like there are too many things giving buffs already (and bar drinks give a lot of buffs on their own) so it's compatible with all mods altering the plasma jane. Notice that I included the plasma jane in the menù, but I didn't touch the tuning for it in any way. They will be able to order blood and pour blood. Glass of Blood (Dine Out) - More or less like the Plasma Jane Glass of Exquisite Blood - The best option, fills the thirst more than the other ones. The new drinks are available for serving in the restaurant, and they can also be poured from the globe bar that came with the "Vintage Glamor" catalog.Īdds 3 new drinks Vampires can order at the bar: This mod adds new blood-based drinks to help quench your vampire's thirst.